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To Bin or not to Bin

Now there’s a question in these days of recycling and green planet awareness. Well it’s not a tricky one…after all, we are in the throes of a massive effort to save energy, lower carbon emissions and reduce waste. And what better way to do this than by recycling. Here at Cardiff Indoor Flea Market we are firm believers in recycling, reclaiming and re-using preloved and pre-owned ‘stuff’. Don’t be fooled by the name; Flea Market may make you think of a car boot or jumble sale but nothing could be further from the truth. Vintage, retro, antique and modern all rub shoulders here with some incredible ‘finds’ available for even the most seasoned treasure hunter.

Forget secondhand…some of this stuff is third, fourth and fifthhand (and more); genuine vintage and antique in abundance, and all looking for a new lease of life in your home, office or workspace. Do you really want to pay out good money for plastic or mass produced when you could have something with character or at the very least, a lot more class. Look around the market and you will be amazed at the fantastic range of items on offer and at such good prices.

Think about the summer…and yes, I am assured that we will be getting one! you have a naaasty plastic table and chairs for your garden? Why not have some vintage deck chairs instead or lovely wooden chairs and tables, or even a vintage garden bench? Something nostalgic, built to last and with a bit of character.

Are you planning on dining outdoors, in the garden or at a picnic? Again, don’t use plastic - nothing tastes good out of plastic. Add a bit of class (and glass…see what I did there!) by treating yourself to come glassware and china from one of the many specialist stalls here. Something nice, specifically suited to the al fresco dining. There is a fantastic selection and not only will it mean you are staying away from the plastic..everything will taste so much better, particularly as it helps towards reduced waste and you can be confident that it will last. That’s one of the great things about ‘older’ stuff…it’s really made to last. It’s not for nothing the phrase ‘they don’t make them like they used to’ is used. Just look how trends come back into fashion, clothing, mid century furniture, vinyl records - nothing sounds like an original pressing played on a well made record player; it’s a long list and because of build quality, style and class, thankfully so much of the ‘genuine articles’ are still around to be reused and enjoyed again.

Are you doing your bit to recycle and re-use? What could be more enjoyable than finding something amazing that has been given a new lease of life….visit the market and see what we may have…just for you.

Remember; Think recycle, think Cardiff Indoor Flea Market.

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Unit 2 Clydesmuir Road Industrial Estate, Tremorfa, Cardiff, CF24 2QS

02921 321 083

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