Wheel Meet Again
No this has nothing to do with that old Eskimo joke..."Whale meat again!'. This is a fabulous little stall in Cardiff Indoor Flea Market that stocks wondrous treasures from industry and the world of DIY and building & fixing things. It is a fascinating playground of vintage tools, cases, boxes, old bikes and things with wheels, hence the name. You'll be lucky if you can get near anything actually as there is always people milling about it, picking up this and that...even I get excited about what is there...and I'm a female!
If you like old tools (if you'll excuse the phrase)...and let's face it they don't make them like they used to.....then get on down to the market and have a look. You will find old saws, hammers and other tools, step ladders, vintage cans of all types, old padlocks, garden tools, toolboxes, g-cramps...the list goes on. Come and have a look, it's fascinating.