To all you budding Zorro's out there!
From Monday 14th you will need to wear a mask if you want to take a look around the market. Many of us already wear them and this...

Always something new at the market…
We have been open a few weeks now and it is continuing to be an adventure.…in the nicest possible way of course. Obviously due to self...

Notes from captivity!
11th June 2020. We are still on lockdown but watch this space... We might be still closed but we have great stuff waiting for you.Loads...

All that shines!
For anyone who loves jewellery (and who doesn't?), today's spotlight falls on all that sparkles. Not just vintage or antique; hand-made...

Something to look forward to
Hi All. As we are in lockdown, it seemed a good idea to promote what we have to offer so that when we reopen we can welcome new and old...

Business as (un)usual
We may be closed but we are still productive, to be ready when you are! Due to the Covid19 lockdown, we had to shut our doors for the...

A Little bird tweeted!
Keep an eye out for our Flea Market Robins, which are to be found in and around the Cardiff area. Our eco-friendly little birdies are...

You can never have enough of a good thing!
I got so carried away by all the great items available at the market, that I wanted to share some more. Get down the market. You don't...

To Bin or not to Bin
Now there’s a question in these days of recycling and green planet awareness. Well it’s not a tricky one…after all, we are in the throes...

Now You Can Blog from Everywhere!
We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to manage your blog from anywhere. In this blog post we’ll share the ways you can post to your...